Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life's funny moments

Some days you just need a laugh and right now I need one. So I decided that I'm going to post some of things that I find funny that have happened over the last few months.
So I've been working at Hertz in West Valley and if you want to have a good laugh go work West Valley.
- A lady came into work asking if the Hertz was a mission...apparently she didn't notice the huge sign on the front of the building that says "Hertz"
- Any time I have to try to explain something to a customer who's native language is not English...then for some odd reason if they don't understand English my instinct is to start speaking Malay!
-The crazy guy who sings at the top of his lungs as he walks down the street between the hours of two to four in the afternoon.
-"If the lady doesn't accelerate three seconds after the light turns green I'm going to ram her!" -Banner, my manager, showing his softer side of the craziest road rage I have ever seen anyone possess. Most of the time when I ride with him I feel like I'm going to die!

Here's a few non-work related laughs...for me!
-"1B...they from my hood!"- Melissa, in her best wannabe gangsta voice
-"'re so silly!" -Cam in a voice that cannot be replicated!
-"...maybe she wanted to come over and meet me!" -A friend who will remain nameless
-"My buttback hurts!" - Melissa
-"Get off your phone and be a part of this family!" -Melissa R. anytime I was playing on my phone while we were hanging out
-Sarah-"What are you doing here...get out of my house!"
Me- "Sarah did you just tell to get out of your house?!"
Sarah- "No,'re fine!"
- Sarah is Melissa R.'s sister and probably one of the craziest, most hilarious people I know.
-Brooklyn- "Please bless the..."
Baylee- "FOOD!"
Brooklyn-"I know Baylee!"- Hands down one of the funniest blessings over the food that I have ever heard!
-"It's like an oversized rat, suited for war!"- Shaun's description of an armadillo

These may not be funny to anyone else but, to me they bring laughter and good memories back to life for me! If you want to leave any of your favorite funny quotes or experiences that we might have shared together, I welcome them wholeheartedly!